Get Fit & Healthy
Topics: Instructor-led Online Weight Loss
Audience: Adults
“Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym; it starts in your head with a decision”
Once you're mentally ready and committed, our instructor-led online weight loss program can teach you how to eat and exercise correctly to get fit and healthy. Our proven system focuses on losing body fat, building muscle and eating healthy, nutritious foods. Average 12-week results are 14 lbs weight loss, 4% body fat loss and 4-inch waist reduction. By learning how to shop, cook, eat and exercise in a realistic, healthy manner, your natural results can meet or exceed any weight loss surgeries or medications. Those intrusive methods don't build muscle or teach you how to avoid foods that clog your arteries and have premature aging impacts.
Our program includes the following:
- Instructor-led health and nutrition classes (online)
- Instructor-led exercise classes (online)
- Determining your 'looking good' weight vs. your healthy weight and body composition
- Personalized goals and precise tracking with predictable results
- Health guide, meal plans, videos, healthy jump start strategies
Some of the topics from our health guide are:
Goal setting, natural detoxification (veggies), low glycemic impact eating, meal plans, reading food labels, improving metabolism, exercise & body composition, planning & dining out, protein-fat-carbs, healthy habits, building self-confidence, overcoming obstacles, managing stress, assessing results and developing long-term healthy behaviors.
We meet weekly on Sundays at 8:30 PM for 1-hour to teach health & nutrition and discuss successes, challenges and upcoming plans.
If you're interested in participating, Contact Us after reviewing & agreeing to our prerequisites and medical disclaimer
As non-salaried volunteers, we run all of our nonprofit programs to benefit communities and make a positive difference in people's lives. In order for our programs to be safe and effective, it is solely your responsibility to consult with your healthcare professional to ensure our programs are appropriate for your situation. If you are unsure, do not participate. You are fully responsible to be educated in your personal health matters and determine your participation based on your level of fitness and health. If any of our programs are too difficult for you or you feel an activity is unsafe for you or you are not feeling well, immediately stop and discontinue participation in the activity; consult your personal healthcare professional. You alone are responsible to contact medical staff and ensure immediate proper medical attention is provided should any health situation occur. Empowered Community does not provide or substitute for medical advice. You need to be the advocate for your own health.
All contents of our social media, blogs, websites, online sessions, videos, emails, documents and other communications are for informational or educational purposes only, and do not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. You are solely responsible for any actions you take or don’t take based on provided information; as such, you agree to not hold Empowered Community, its officers, Board of Directors, affiliates, volunteers and members responsible, and there is no doctor-client relationship. For your safety and specific situations, do your diligence and check with your health care professional before trying any program or using any information.