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Free Online Education & Financial Support

Free Education & Financial Support
Save Me a Seat

Topics: Identify Educational Opportunities, Personalize Curriculum, Accredited Institutions, Financial Support
Audience: Qualified Students and Adults

“Education is the key that unlocks the golden door to freedom”

We serve as mentors to offer access to free and convenient online classes, programs, certifications, and diplomas from major accredited institutions at no cost to you. This includes prestigious schools such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and more.


First, we'll get together to discuss your interests. Then, we'll help you establish an achievable path, expose opportunities that are available, and work with you to identify an educational plan. Accredited institutions provide online certifications and diplomas, while we provide mentorship and financial assistance to those with qualifying grades and income levels.


We're a charitable organization and not an actual University. Nothing herein shall authorize the entity to operate, maintain or manage a charter school, a nursery school, a kindergarten, an elementary school, a secondary school, a Licensed Private Career School or Certified English as a Second Language School unless authorized under Article 101 of the Education Law, a college, university, or to advertise or offer credit-bearing courses or degrees in New York State.

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